Topics Galore

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    Cooking & Food, Canadian Style

    When you're a cook as well as a writer, there's always something to discover in the kitchen. Hearing how real Canadians cook is a wonderful discovery with every new recipe and story of how it came to be. What makes their food special and what makes us unique in the food world is cause for celebration...and discussion. There's so much more out there than just Montreal bagels and poutine. Let's hear about it.

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    Gardens for Anyone, Anywhere

    Plant nerds with twenty-five blank acres to fill are always lookin' for ideas. Rose gardens to vineyards, orchards to French parterres, herb gardens to berry patches. I'm down with all of that and then some. Got a classic country farm? Great! Fancy your garden a spot of English cottage style? Superb. Urban guerilla gardening in reclaimed bathtubs? Let's compare notes.

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    Bees Bees & more Bees.

    The first top-bar hive is just waiting for a new colony and many more are planned. Everyone should have a hive. Country or city, old time keeper or new hand. Are you nuts for bees too? Are you dripping in honey or just wish you were? Let's hear your tips and stories.

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    Cider Is The New Beer

    With dozens of old apple trees on the farm, it seems natural to turn that bounty into drinkable gold. Cider is seeing a resurgence of popularity and for good reason. Let's open a few and compare notes about fermenting, bottling, and all things apple.

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    Everything Else

    The sky's the limit in this realm of topics. What else would YOU like to add?