Privacy is a big issue here at the farm. Our site doesn't automatically collect much info on you beyond a normal IP address when you simply drop by for a visit. Any information you give in the process of registering or purchasing is kept in strict confidence and used for only internal maintenance. We will only share this information with law enforcement on demand with a signed order from a judge in Canada.
Keeping in line with very wise Canadian privacy laws, we also won't send you emails unless you specifically enroll in our newsletters or journal notifications. And they'll only come from us. We won't let anyone else near your email address. We'll never sell, rent, or otherwise disclose any personally identifying information about you. Some links you follow on our site, including payment processors like PayPal, will collect more information about you in the process of offering you their services. Those sites are governed by their own respective privacy policies.
If any of this policy changes, it will be updated here at least thirty days before any change takes effect.
Last updated: 08 July 2015.